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Stock impact report

Risepoint Recognized by Comparably for 2024 Best CEOs and Best Company Culture [Yahoo! Finance]

ZoomInfo Technologies Inc. (ZI) 
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
from Comparably, including Best CEOs and Best Company Culture. Comparably Awards are based on sentiment feedback from current employees of 70,000 companies across the U.S. and Canada who anonymously rated their employers on during a 12-month period. Fernando Bleichmar , Risepoint CEO and recipient of Comparably's Best CEOs Award, earned the honor through feedback directly from employees, placing him in the top 5% of CEOs at large companies. Bleichmar has led Risepoint since 2022. In addition, Risepoint was awarded Best Company Culture for 2024, ranking in the top 10% of large companies. Comparably's Company Culture recognition is awarded based on 16 culture metrics where employees can rate their employers on compensation, career growth, leadership, and work environment. "We are grateful to Comparably for recognizing our incredible culture," shared Bleichmar. "Although I am honored to earn a spot on the Best CEOs list, I am most proud of the company culture we have Show less Read more
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