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Why Wheaton Precious Metals Corp.'s (TSE:WPM) CEO Pay Matters To You [Yahoo! Finance News]

Wheaton Precious Metals Corp Common Shares (Canada) (WPM) 
Last wheaton precious metals corp common shares (canada) earnings: 3/11 05:10 pm Check Earnings Report
US:NYSE Investor Relations:
Randy V. Smallwood has been the CEO of Wheaton Precious Metals Corp. TSE:WPM Check out our latest analysis for Wheaton Precious Metals How Does Randy V. Smallwood's Compensation Compare With Similar Sized Companies? According to our data, Wheaton Precious Metals Corp. has a market capitalization of CA$17b, and paid its CEO total annual compensation worth US$4.4m over the year to December 2018. We think total compensation is more important but we note that the CEO salary is lower, at US$749k. We further remind readers that the CEO may face performance requirements to receive the non-salary part of the total compensation. We took a group of companies with market capitalizations over US$8.0b, and calculated the median CEO total compensation to be US$7.0m. There aren't very many mega-cap companies, so we had to take a wide range to get a meaningful comparison figure. Most shareholders would consider it a positive that Randy V. Smallwood takes less in total compensation than the CEOs of m Show less Read more
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