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Are there other investment opportunities that may be more attractive than WD-40? [Yahoo! Finance]

WD-40 Company (WDFC) 
Last wd-40 company earnings: 4/9 04:05 pm Check Earnings Report
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
Yes, StockStory has identified a list of Top 9 Market-Beating Stocks that have generated a market-beating return of 175% over the last five years, including companies such as Nvidia and Comfort Systems. Was this helpful? Yes No How does WD-40's stock price compare to its earnings? WD-40's stock trades at a forward price-to-earnings ratio of 46.1, which is high, but its shares have outpaced the S&P 500 by 8.2% over the past six months, reaching a price of 259.09 per share. Was this helpful? Yes No Is WD-40 a good investment opportunity after its recent stock price surge? WD-40's merits, such as its excellent free cash flow margin and stellar ROIC, more than compensate for its flaws, making it a potential investment opportunity. However, its long-term re Read more
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