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What Trump's Victory Means for Internet Policy [CNET News]

ViaSat, Inc. (VSAT) 
Last viasat, inc. earnings: 2/6 04:05 pm Check Earnings Report
US:NASDAQ Investor Relations:
Company Research Source: CNET News
Donald Trump's victory Tuesday night will significantly change how the federal government shapes our lives online. Internet policy is an issue that touches almost everyone. Whether you're a rural voter who's waiting on a high-speed internet connection to make it to your area or one of the 10 million military families that were disconnected from the Affordable Connectivity Program in May, it's likely that government policy has affected your internet life in one way or another. And it's the rare issue that most people actually agree on. “The good news about broadband policy is that it's fairly bipartisan,” Blair Levin, a former chief of staff at the Federal Communications Commission and a telecom industry analyst at New Street Research, told CNET. “You'll very rarely find any individual politician, whether Democrat or Republican, arguing against the benefits that you get from broadband.” While politicians might be in agreement that high-speed internet is a necessity in 2024, they Show less Read more
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