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Stock impact report

VeriSign Is Immune From Coronavirus [Seeking Alpha]

VeriSign, Inc. (VRSN) 
Last verisign, inc. earnings: 4/23 04:05 pm Check Earnings Report
US:NASDAQ Investor Relations:
Company Research Source: Seeking Alpha
Summary VeriSign's business has very little exposure to the Coronavirus. VeriSign has the ability to raise prices on .com domain names 7% per year over the next four years. ICANN is unlikely to give VeriSign the boot as VeriSign has done a flawless job with .com and .net over the past two decades. During these turbulent times in the market, I have found myself searching for companies with secure cash flow that are on the receiving end of big dips. These companies, in my opinion, present the best buying opportunities as the markets shed excess weight. VeriSign ( VRSN The Cash Cow To convey what VeriSign does in the fewest words, imagine a toll road. If you're on it, you're paying. Well, VeriSign is that, but for the internet. For every .com domain name registered, the company collects $7.85 per year for every .net registered, a little bit north of $9. With no competition around, they are the internet's toll road. Per VeriSign's Q4 release, there are now 362.3 million domain names regis Show less Read more
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