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When Should You Buy Varonis Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ:VRNS)? [Yahoo! Finance]

Varonis Systems, Inc. (VRNS) 
Last varonis systems, inc. earnings: 2/10 04:05 pm Check Earnings Report
US:NASDAQ Investor Relations:
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
The company's trading levels have reached its high for the past year, following the recent bounce in the share price. With many analysts covering the mid-cap stock, we may expect any price-sensitive announcements have already been factored into the stock's share price. However, what if the stock is still a bargain? Let's examine Varonis Systems's valuation and outlook in more detail to determine if there's still a bargain opportunity. See our latest analysis for Varonis Systems What Is Varonis Systems Worth? According to our valuation model, the stock is currently overvalued by about 34%, trading at US$56.61 compared to our intrinsic value of $42.30. Not the best news for investors looking to buy! In addition to this, it seems like Varonis Systems's share price is quite stable, which could mean two things: firstly, it may take the share price a while to fall back down to an attractive buying range, and secondly, there may be less chances to buy low in the future once it reaches Show less Read more
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