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Valley National Bancorp (NASDAQ:VLY) Is Due To Pay A Dividend Of $0.11 [Yahoo! Finance]

Valley National Bancorp (VLY) 
Last valley national bancorp earnings: 4/30 08:00 am Check Earnings Report
US:NYSE Investor Relations:
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
This means the annual payment is 4.6% of the current stock price, which is above the average for the industry. View our latest analysis for Valley National Bancorp Valley National Bancorp's Dividend Forecasted To Be Well Covered By Earnings We like to see robust dividend yields, but that doesn't matter if the payment isn't sustainable. Having distributed dividends for at least 10 years, Valley National Bancorp has a long history of paying out a part of its earnings to shareholders. Based on Valley National Bancorp's last earnings report, the payout ratio is at a decent 63%, meaning that the company is able to pay out its dividend with a bit of room to spare. The next 3 years are set to see EPS grow by 91.8%. Analysts estimate the future payout ratio will be Read more
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