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The most-read industry analysis on Just Food in 2024 [Yahoo! Finance]

Unilever PLC (UL) 
US:NYSE Investor Relations:
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
Our analysis of the volatility in commodity prices, upheaval in the supply chain, the rise of GLP-1 drugs, corporate moves at the food industry's major players and the return of Donald Trump to the White House all proved particularly popular. Cocoa prices continue to rise. When might the tide turn? Cocoa prices reached record highs this year as a drop in the global supply left chocolatiers scrambling to secure the essential raw ingredient. We dug into the topic in March and, judging by the news in recent weeks, we may do so again next year. Shipping forecast – the Red Sea supply-chain crisis and the food and beverage sector In January, the Houthi attacks in the Red Sea upended supplies through one of the world's most important trade routes and caused companies across industries to reassess their logistics. When will olive oil prices normalise? Volatility in commodity prices looks set to be a challenge food companies will increasingly have to think about and, in May, the p Show less Read more
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