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Stock impact report

Investors Heavily Search Texas Instruments Incorporated (TXN): Here is What You Need to Know [Yahoo! Finance]

Texas Instruments Incorporated (TXN) 
Last texas instruments incorporated earnings: 4/21 04:01 pm Check Earnings Report
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
The company's earnings estimates for the current quarter and fiscal year indicate a decline of -20.1% and -28.2% respectively, but are expected to grow by 13.7% in the next fiscal year. The company's revenue growth forecast is also mixed, with a decline of -5.4% in the current quarter, but an increase of 10.4% in the next fiscal year. With a Zacks Rank #3 (Hold), the stock is expected to perform in line with the broader market in the near term, but its valuation score of D suggests it may be overvalued compared to its peers. Texas Instruments (TXN) has recently been on's list of the most searched stocks. Therefore, you might want to consider some of the key factors that could influence the stock's performance in the near future. Over the past month, shares of this chipmaker have returned -6.8%, compared to the Zacks S&P 500 composite's +1.5% change. During this period, the Zacks Semiconductor - General industry, which Texas Instruments falls in, has lost 4.9%. The key qu Show less Read more
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