Here's What Analysts Are Forecasting For 2U, Inc. After Its Yearly Results [Yahoo! Finance News]

2U, Inc. (TWOU)
Last 2u, inc. earnings: 4/30 04:01 pm
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Source: Yahoo! Finance News
Shareholders will be ecstatic, with their stake up 27% over the past week following 2U, Inc. NASDAQ:TWOU See our latest analysis for 2U Taking into account the latest results, the current consensus from 2U's 13 analysts is for revenues of US$736.3m in 2020, which would reflect a sizeable 28% increase on its sales over the past 12 months. Statutory losses are expected to increase substantially, hitting US$3.28. per share. Before this latest report, the consensus had been expecting revenues of US$728.6m and US$2.73 per share in losses. So there's definitely been a decline in analyst sentiment after the latest results, noting the pretty serious reduction to new EPS forecasts. As a result, there was no major change to the consensus price target of US$30.00, with analysts implicitly confirming that the business looks to be performing in line with expectations, despite higher forecast losses. It could also be instructive to look at the range of analyst estimates, to evaluate how different t
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