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What is a rapid rescore? [CNBC]

TransUnion (TRU) 
Last transunion earnings: 4/28 06:50 am Check Earnings Report
US:NYSE Investor Relations:
Company Research Source: CNBC
When you're shopping for a mortgage credit card or other form of debt, your credit score has a significant impact on everything from your approval odds to the interest rate. While the best way to build credit is to pay your bills on time and maintain low amounts of debt, a rapid rescore can help if you're on the border between being approved and getting denied. If you've recently paid off a collection or paid down a credit card and it hasn't shown up on your credit report yet, a rapid rescore can quickly get that positive activity factored into your credit score. CNBC Select has all the information you need about how rapid rescores work and when they make sense. Compare mortgage lenders How a rapid rescore works A rapid rescore is a service provided by lenders and is most commonly used with mortgage lending. In certain situations, it can help you boost your credit score , which can increase your approval odds or help you secure a better mortgage rate. Although rapid rescore Show less Read more
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