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Do other countries have credit scores? [Yahoo! Finance]

TransUnion (TRU) 
Last transunion earnings: 4/28 06:50 am Check Earnings Report
US:NYSE Investor Relations:
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
The financial habits that help you build good credit in the U.S. can serve you well anywhere you go. In the United States, your credit score is a crucial piece of your financial life, affecting whether you can get the best credit cards, finance a new car, rent an apartment or even get a job. If you dream of moving to another country, you may wonder if you can bring a good credit score with you — or leave a bad score behind. In short, your American credit score and credit history won't move with you to a new country. Other countries have individual credit scoring systems, so you'll need to start building a new credit history once you arrive. However, many of the same habits that helped you build a score at home will help you establish credit abroad. Why your U.S. credit score won't follow you internationally If you've worked hard to repair your credit and build a good score, it can be frustrating to learn your U.S. score won't transfer to another country. Unfortunately, there' Show less Read more
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