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Is Reviving Keystone XL More Than Just A Pipe Dream? [zero hedge]

TC Energy Corporation (TRP) 
Last tc energy corporation earnings: 5/1 07:30 am Check Earnings Report
US:NYSE Investor Relations:
Company Research Source: zero hedge
Is Reviving Keystone XL More Than Just A Pipe Dream? Authored by Riley Donovan via The Epoch Times, Both Alberta Premier Danielle Smith and U.S. President-elect Donald Trump want to revive the long-dead cross-border Keystone XL pipeline project, but is that feasible? A major challenge in resuscitating the project will be ginning up enough political will and corporate determination to wade through the legal and regulatory requirements to begin construction, not to mention tackling the growing anti-fossil fuel advocay across the continent. Former owner TC Energy terminated the project in June 2021. The pipeline system is now part of the spinoff company South Bow , and that adds to the challenges of resurrecting the Keystone XL expansion. On Nov. 12, California water solutions company Cadiz announced the purchase of 180 miles of 36-inch steel pipe from the terminated Keystone XL project. The pipe will be transported from where it is stored in North Dakota and repurposed to pump groundwat Show less Read more
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