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Stock impact report

Are You Looking for a Top Momentum Pick? Why Third Coast Bancshares, Inc. (TCBX) is a Great Choice [Yahoo! Finance]

Third Coast Bancshares, Inc. (TCBX) 
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
This positive trend in estimate revisions has contributed to TCBX's strong Momentum Style Score. Some of the key drivers of the Momentum Style Score for TCBX include its short-term price activity, with shares up 7.87% over the past week and 23.76% over the past month, as well as its longer-term price metrics, with shares increasing 39.21% over the past quarter and 102.22% over the past year. The Zacks Momentum Style Score is part of the Zacks Style Scores, which helps to address the issue of defining momentum. The score takes into account trends in price changes and earnings estimate revisions, among other metrics. Third Coast Bancshares, Inc. (TCBX) currently has a Momentum Style Score of A and a Zacks Rank of #1 (Strong Buy). Momentum investing is a strategy that involves following a stock's recent trend, which can be in either direction. Investors using this methodology will 'buy high, but hope to sell even higher.' The goal is to take advantage of trends in a stock's price Show less Read more
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