Talkspace, Inc. Just Recorded A 700% EPS Beat: Here's What Analysts Are Forecasting Next [Yahoo! Finance]

Talkspace, Inc. (TALK)
Company Research
Source: Yahoo! Finance
It looks like a credible result overall - although revenues of US$47m were what the analysts expected, Talkspace surprised by delivering a (statutory) profit of US$0.01 per share, an impressive 700% above what was forecast. Earnings are an important time for investors, as they can track a company's performance, look at what the analysts are forecasting for next year, and see if there's been a change in sentiment towards the company. Readers will be glad to know we've aggregated the latest statutory forecasts to see whether the analysts have changed their mind on Talkspace after the latest results. View our latest analysis for Talkspace After the latest results, the three analysts covering Talkspace are now predicting revenues of US$232.5m in 2025. If met, this would reflect a huge 28% improvement in revenue compared to the last 12 months. Talkspace is also expected to turn profitable, with statutory earnings of US$0.061 per share. In the lead-up to this report, the analysts had be
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- 2/20/25 - Beat
Sec Filings
- 3/12/25 - Form 10-K
- 3/11/25 - Form 4
- 3/11/25 - Form 4
- TALK's page on the SEC website