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Taitron Components (NASDAQ:TAIT) Has Announced A Dividend Of $0.05 [Yahoo! Finance]

Taitron Components Incorporated - Class A (TAIT) 
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
See our latest analysis for Taitron Components We like to see robust dividend yields, but that doesn't matter if the payment isn't sustainable. Before making this announcement, Taitron Components was paying out quite a large proportion of both earnings and cash flow, with the dividend being 97% of cash flows. This is certainly a risk factor, as reduced cash flows could force the company to pay a lower dividend. Earnings per share could rise by 0.9% over the next year if things go the same way as they have for the last few years. If the dividend continues along recent trends, we estimate the payout ratio could reach 90%, which is on the higher side, but certainly still feasible. The dividend's track record has been pretty solid, but with only 8 years of history we want to see a few more years of history before making any solid conclusions. Since 2016, the dividend has gone from $0.10 total annually to $0.20. This implies that the company grew its distributions at a yearly rate o Show less Read more
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