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Brother, can you spare $40B? Warner Bros. Discovery CEO David Zaslav looking to offload assets [Yahoo! Finance]

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Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
Discovery new restructuring — hiving off the cable businesses like CNN and Discovery from its streaming and studios — there is little doubt that CEO David Zaslav is in the mood to sell stuff. The more the merrier as far as Zas is concerned, that is, if there are any buyers. Zaslav is at his core a balance-sheet freak. It's a skill he honed during his long years at NBC Universal when it was a division of General Electric and he was a student of the best balance-sheet shaper in corporate America, the late, great Jack Welch. There is little doubt that CEO David Zaslav is in the mood to sell stuff, that is, if there are any buyers. Jack Forbes Shares of WBD have hovered below $10 for most of the year. The stock is down around 60% since the deal to combine Discovery with Warner Media was completed in April 2022, which means Zas knows he needs to do something and fast. His first step is the breakup of the company into two business units. The next step is some asset sales, bankers Show less Read more
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