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Here's Why Synchrony (SYF) is a Strong Value Stock [Yahoo! Finance]

Synchrony Financial (SYF) 
Last synchrony financial earnings: 4/21 06:30 am Check Earnings Report
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
Synchrony boasts a forward earnings multiple of 10.3X, a PEG Ratio of 0.8, a Price/Cash Flow ratio of 10.3X, and a Price/Sales ratio of 1.2X, indicating that it is undervalued compared to its peers. Was this helpful? Yes No Why should investors consider Synchrony Financial as a potential investment opportunity? SYF should be on investors' short lists because of its impressive earnings and valuation fundamentals, a good Zacks Rank, and strong Value and VGM Style Scores, making it a strong value stock. Was this helpful? Yes No What is the investment approach of value-focused investors? Value-focused investors are all about finding good stocks at good prices, and discovering which companies are trading under what their true value is before the broader market catches on. Was this helpful? Yes No How has Synchrony's earnings estimate changed recently and what is its average earnings surprise? Five analysts revised their earnings estimate upwards in the last 6 Show less Read more
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