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Why 3D Printing Stocks Fell As Much As 16% in February [The Motley Fool]

Stratasys, Ltd. (SSYS) 
Last stratasys, ltd. earnings: 2/26 07:30 am Check Earnings Report
US:NASDAQ Investor Relations:
Company Research Source: The Motley Fool
What happened Shares of D printing pure plays D Systems ( NYSE:DDD Stratasys NASDAQ:SSYS Proto Labs NYSE:PRLB Global Market Intelligence For context, the 00 In 00, shares of D Systems, Stratasys, and Proto Labs are down .9%, .9%, and 7.%, respectively, while the broader market has returned negative 7.7%. Image source: Getty Images. So what We can attribute at least a portion of the three D printing stocks Proto Labs was the first of these three companies to report its quarterly results. After its Feb. 6 release, shares plunged 9.% and they lost another % the next day. The  00 rose % over this period. In the fourth quarter Stratasys and D Systems reported their quarterly results on the same day, with Stratasys reporting before the market opened on Feb. 6 and its rival following after the closing bell. Following its earnings release, Stratasys stock fell .% and then another .% the next day, before bouncing back .6% on the day after that. As I wrote in my earnings article In Q, Stratas Show less Read more
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