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Here's Why Everybody's Talking About Scholar Rock Right Now [Yahoo! Finance]

Scholar Rock Holding Corporation (SRRK) 
Last scholar rock holding corporation earnings: 11/12 07:30 am Check Earnings Report
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
The market was reacting to surprisingly positive news regarding the clinical-stage drugmaker's lead candidate, apitegromab. If you're like the vast majority of individual investors, you've never heard of Scholar Rock, apitegromab, or the muscle-wasting disease it could treat. Here's a quick look at the results that excited savvy biotech investors to see if the stock can continue climbing. Scholar Rock's surprising success Apitegromab is an antibody that binds to another protein called myostatin, which normally works to limit muscle growth. It's being tested in the phase 3 Sapphire trial, which enrolled nonambulatory patients with type 2 and type 3 spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). SMA is a genetic disorder that leads to a loss of motor neurons, which isn't great for the muscles they're attached to. Spinraza from Biogen and Evrysdi from Roche can prevent motor neurons from quitting, but they don't do anything to help rebuild muscle. The Sapphire study enrolled 156 patients ages Show less Read more
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