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Stock impact report [Seeking Alpha]

S&P Global Inc. (SPGI) 
Last s&p global inc. earnings: 4/28 07:10 am Check Earnings Report
US:NYSE Investor Relations:
Company Research Source: Seeking Alpha
MXI RSPM XLY VCR RXI RSPD PEZ FXD PSCD FDIS IYZ VOX IXP XTL XLC FCOM RSPC SIXG KNCT SMH XLK IDGT IGM IXN IYW VGT IGV PSI IGPT FDN XSD RSPT PTF FXL XSW AIQ BUG TDV BBH IBB XLV PPH IYH VHT PBE PJP BBC XBI IHE IHF XLI IYT IYJ VIS PPA PKB ITA EXI EVX PRN RSPN FXR RBLD XTN XAR UFO PBW PBD SMOG ICLN GRID ACES CTEC ERTH CTEX XLP VDC KXI RSPS PSL ITB XHB NAIL HOMZ IYR REZ REM RWR VNQ ICF FRI PSR JRE IDU XLU VPU PUI JXI FXU PSCU ECLN FUTY RNRG UTES JHMU RSPU Markit 3.23K Follower s Follow Play 4min Summary Operating expenses for US investment-grade companies jumped by more than $73 billion in Q3 2024 to reach the second-highest level in nearly three years, according to the latest S&P Global Market Intelligence data. Total third quarter operating expenses for US companies rated BBB- or higher by S&P Global Ratings grew to $3.052 trillion. Operating expenses, which include rent, employee pay, office supplies, equipment and other non-capital expenditures, have generally trended Show less Read more
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