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Is Synchronoss Stock a Buy, Sell, or Hold at 0.73X Price-Sales Ratio? [Yahoo! Finance]

Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. (SNCR) 
Last synchronoss technologies, inc. earnings: 3/9 04:01 pm Check Earnings Report
US:NASDAQ Investor Relations:
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
SNCR stock is trading at a significant discount with a forward 12-month Price/Sales (P/S) ratio of 0.73X compared with the sector's 6.2X. It is cheaper than its Zacks Internet Software industry peer Aspen Technology AZPN, which is currently trading at a forward 12-month P/S of 12.31X. SNCR's cheap valuation is attractive for investors. However, is it worth buying at current prices? Let's dig deep to find out. SNCR's P/S Ratio (F12M) Image Source: Zacks Investment Research Synchronoss Rides on Expanding Clientele Synchronoss shares have returned 96.8% in the year-to-date (YTD) period, outperforming the Zacks Computer & Technology sector and the Zacks Internet Software industry. The sector and the industry have returned 26.9% and 26.4% over the same time frame. This white-label cloud software and services provider is benefiting from strong cloud subscriber growth. In the second quarter of 2024, the number of cloud subscribers grew 6.1%, which drove 5.9% of total revenue Show less Read more
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