Here's Why Snap-On (SNA) is a Strong Momentum Stock [Yahoo! Finance]
Snap-On Incorporated (SNA)
Last snap-on incorporated earnings: 4/21 06:30 am
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While you may have an investing style you rely on, finding great stocks is made easier with the Zacks Style Scores. These are complementary indicators that rate stocks based on value, growth, and/or momentum characteristics. Is This 1 Momentum Stock a Screaming Buy Right Now? Different than value or growth investors, momentum-oriented investors live by the saying "the trend is your friend." This investing style is all about taking advantage of upward or downward trends in a stock's price or earnings outlook. Employing factors like one-week price change and the monthly percentage change in earnings estimates, the Momentum Style Score can indicate favorable times to build a position in high-momentum stocks. Snap-On (SNA) Headquartered in Kenosha, WI, Snap-on Incorporated is a global provider of professional tools, equipment, and related solutions for technicians, vehicle service centers, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and other industrial users. Products include a broa
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