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Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RIS) Global Market Report 2025-2035, Featuring Alphacore, Evolv Technologies, Greenerwave, Kymeta, Leadoptik, Lumotive, META, Metawave, Pivotal Commwar...

SK Telecom Co., Ltd. (SKM) 
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
RIS, also known as Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces (IRS) or software-controlled metasurfaces, are artificial structures composed of a large number of small, passive elements that can be electronically controlled to manipulate electromagnetic waves. These surfaces can reflect, refract, absorb, or focus incoming signals in desired directions, effectively shaping the wireless propagation environment. Due to recent advances in metamaterials, Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (RIS) has emerged as a promising technology for future 6G wireless communications. Benefiting from its high array gain, low cost, and low power consumption, RISs are expected to greatly enlarge signal coverage, improve system capacity, and increase energy efficiency. RIS technology offers revolutionary capabilities in manipulating electromagnetic waves, enabling enhanced coverage, capacity, and energy efficiency in wireless networks. As 5G networks expand and 6G development accelerates, RIS is expected to play a Show less Read more
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