Silicon Motion Technology (NASDAQ:SIMO) Has Announced A Dividend Of $0.4975 [Yahoo! Finance]

Silicon Motion Technology Corporation - American Depositary Shares, each representing four ordinary shares (SIMO)
Last silicon motion technology corporation - american depositary shares, each representing four ordinary shares earnings: 4/28 06:00 pm
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Source: Yahoo! Finance
Based on this payment, the dividend yield on the company's stock will be 3.6%, which is an attractive boost to shareholder returns. View our latest analysis for Silicon Motion Technology Impressive dividend yields are good, but this doesn't matter much if the payments can't be sustained. However, based ont he last payment, Silicon Motion Technology was earning enough to cover the dividend pretty comfortably. The business is returning a large chunk of its cash to shareholders, which means it is not being used to grow the business. The next year is set to see EPS grow by 89.1%. If the dividend continues on this path, the payout ratio could be 43% by next year, which we think can be pretty sustainable going forward. While the company has been paying a dividend for a long time, it has cut the dividend at least once in the last 10 years. Since 2014, the annual payment back then was $0.60, compared to the most recent full-year payment of $2.00. This implies that the company grew its
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