Down -8.09% in 4 Weeks, Here's Why Steven Madden (SHOO) Looks Ripe for a Turnaround [Yahoo! Finance]

Steven Madden, Ltd. (SHOO)
Last steven madden, ltd. earnings: 2/27 06:59 am
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However, given the fact that it is now in oversold territory and Wall Street analysts are majorly in agreement about the company's ability to report better earnings than they predicted earlier, the stock could be due for a turnaround. We use Relative Strength Index (RSI), one of the most commonly used technical indicators, for spotting whether a stock is oversold. This is a momentum oscillator that measures the speed and change of price movements. RSI oscillates between zero and 100. Usually, a stock is considered oversold when its RSI reading falls below 30. Technically, every stock oscillates between being overbought and oversold irrespective of the quality of their fundamentals. And the beauty of RSI is that it helps you quickly and easily check if a stock's price is reaching a point of reversal. So, by this measure, if a stock has gotten too far below its fair value just because of unwarranted selling pressure, investors may start looking for entry opportunities in the sto
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- Steven Madden, Ltd. (NASDAQ: SHOO) had its price target lowered by analysts at Loop Capital from $40.00 to $35.00. They now have a "hold" rating on the stock.MarketBeat
- Steven Madden, Ltd. (NASDAQ: SHOO) had its price target lowered by analysts at Citigroup Inc. from $38.00 to $35.00. They now have a "neutral" rating on the stock.MarketBeat
- Steven Madden, Ltd. (NASDAQ: SHOO) had its "hold" rating re-affirmed by analysts at Needham & Company LLC.MarketBeat
- Steven Madden, Ltd. (NASDAQ: SHOO) had its price target lowered by analysts at Telsey Advisory Group from $44.00 to $38.00. They now have a "market perform" rating on the stock.MarketBeat
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- 11/7/24 - Beat
Sec Filings
- 3/11/25 - Form 4
- 3/11/25 - Form 144
- 3/3/25 - Form 4
- SHOO's page on the SEC website