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Stock impact report

Socket Mobile Optimizes Products for Emerging Commercial Services and Transportation Markets

Socket Mobile, Inc. (SCKT) 
Company Research Source: PR Newswire
NEWARK, Calif., July 30, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Socket Mobile, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCKT), a leading innovator of data capture and delivery solutions for enhanced productivity, announced today it has expanded its DuraCase line to better support the commercial services and transportation industries. Socket Mobile's scanner-sled solution, DuraCase, is a protective case which combines an Apple or Samsung handheld, smart device with a SocketScan® 800 series scanner into a single, one-handed solution. The DuraCase integrates connectors from both scanner and smart device for dual charging and features rubberized material for increased drop protection and durability. Ideal for mobile workers, commercial services and transportation markets that are looking to use a handheld device with a scanner. "We listen closely to our customers and have seen the need to improve the overall solution of our products to include an on-the-go option. One area of concern was having a safe and secure location for the com Show less Read more
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