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Stock impact report

Undervalued Gems: 3 TSX Penny Stocks With Market Caps Over CA$7M [Yahoo! Finance]

Rio Tinto Plc (RIO) 
US:NYSE Investor Relations:
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
shifts ahead, Midland Exploration Inc. has had recent exploratory successes and is partnering with Rio Tinto Exploration Canada Inc., and Sun Peak Metals Corp. is actively engaging with the industry to attract potential investors or partners for future growth initiatives. Scandium International Mining Corp. does not have any reported revenue segments as it is currently in the exploration stage, Midland Exploration Inc. reported a net loss of CA 1.95 million for the fiscal year ending September 2024, and Sun Peak Metals Corp. reported a net loss of CA 1.83 million for the nine months ending September 2024. All three companies are debt-free and have short-term assets exceeding liabilities. The Canadian market has experienced a flat trajectory over the past week, but it has risen by 23% over the last year, with earnings projected to grow by 16% annually in the coming years. According to Simply Wall St, the financial health ratings of the three companies are: Scandium International Show less Read more
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