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Rigetti Computing (RGTI): Top Quantum Computing Stock with 143.9% Upside [Yahoo! Finance]

Rigetti Computing, Inc. (RGTI) 
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
where Rigetti Computing Inc. (NASDAQ:RGTI) stands against other best quantum computing stocks to buy according to analysts. The modern digital world is built with its transistor-based chips on the foundations of Quantum Mechanics, the physics governing the world at the fundamental level. However, the world has barely scratched the surface when it comes to the full potential of Quantum Mechanics, that is, until Quantum computing came to the foray. In the same spirit but in different light to its classical counterpart, quantum-computing technology seeks to exploit particle superpositions for computing operations. It differs from classical computing due to the particle superpositions that occur at the quantum scale, allowing a qubit to be in a state of both 0 and 1 until it interacts with the environment. This exploit would allow Quantum computers to outperform classical computers exponentially in certain computing tasks. This could have huge implications for healthcare, finance, t Show less Read more
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