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Ketryx Announces DeepHealth Selected Its Software to Accelerate AI-Powered Health Informatics Innovation [Yahoo! Finance]

RadNet, Inc. (RDNT) 
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US:NASDAQ Investor Relations:
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
wholly-owned subsidiary of RadNet, Inc. (Nasdaq: RDNT), has selected Ketryx to accelerate the delivery of AI-powered health informatics solutions. DeepHealth's solutions leverage a cloud-native operating system to drive operational efficiency, improved clinical confidence, and better care delivery. According to the FDA , radiology leads the way in AI/ML adoption within the SaMD sector, with 79% of newly approved devices in the field using these technologies to enhance diagnostics and patient care. "We are harnessing the power of AI to tackle clinical and operational challenges that arise in complex, high-volume care settings, with the aim of enabling better outcomes," said Sham Sokka, RadNet's Chief Operating and Technology Officer for Digital Health. "We envision an integrated radiology workflow that eliminates operational silos, ensuring the right data is available at the right time for everyone in the care team. The Ketryx software enables us to scale our innovation with quality Show less Read more
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