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Stock impact report

Royal Caribbean Rewards Shareholders With 38% Dividend Hike [Yahoo! Finance]

D/B/A Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. (RCL) 
Last d/b/a royal caribbean cruises ltd. earnings: 2/4 08:00 am Check Earnings Report
US:NYSE Investor Relations:
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
The company raised its quarterly dividend by 37.5%, which indicates RCL's intention to utilize free cash to boost its shareholders' returns. RCL increased its quarterly dividend to 55 cents per share (or $2.20 annually) from the previous payout of 40 cents (or $1.60 annually). The hiked dividend will be paid out on Jan. 13, 2025, to its shareholders on record as of Dec. 27, 2024. Based on the closing price of $245.52 per share on Wednesday, the stock has a dividend yield of 0.90%. The company's dividend increase highlights its focus on improving shareholder returns. Along with boosting its shareholders' returns, dividend hikes raise the market value of the stock. Companies often attract new investors and retain old ones through this strategy. Investors always prefer a return-generating stock. A high-dividend-yielding one is much coveted. It goes without saying that stockholders are always on the lookout for companies with a track record of consistent and incremental dividend pay Show less Read more
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