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Stock impact report

Rogers Communications Inc. (TSE:RCI.B) is largely controlled by institutional shareholders who own 48% of the company [Yahoo! Finance]

Rogers Communication, Inc. (RCI) 
Last rogers communication, inc. earnings: 4/22 07:00 am Check Earnings Report
US:NYSE Investor Relations:
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
Institutions' substantial holdings in Rogers Communications implies that they have significant influence over the company's share price 51% of the business is held by the top 10 shareholders Insiders have bought recently If you want to know who really controls Rogers Communications Inc. ( TSE:RCI.B ), then you'll have to look at the makeup of its share registry. We can see that institutions own the lion's share in the company with 48% ownership. That is, the group stands to benefit the most if the stock rises (or lose the most if there is a downturn). Since institutional have access to huge amounts of capital, their market moves tend to receive a lot of scrutiny by retail or individual investors. Hence, having a considerable amount of institutional money invested in a company is often regarded as a desirable trait. Let's take a closer look to see what the different types of shareholders can tell us about Rogers Communications. See our latest analysis for Rogers Communicat Show less Read more
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