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Stock impact report

Quantum Biopharma Diversifies Treasury With the Purchase of USD $1,000,000 of Bitcoin (BTC) and Other Cryptocurrencies and to Allow for Future Financings and Other Transactions in Cryptocu...

Quantum Biopharma Ltd. - Class B Subordinate Voting Shares (QNTM) 
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
BioPharma " or the " Company "), is pleased to announce that after receiving approval from the Board of Directors, the Company has purchased USD $1,000,000 Bitcoin (BTC) and other cryptocurrencies as part of its strategic efforts. As well, going forward the Company will allow for future financing and other transactions to be carried out in cryptocurrency. This move reflects the company's belief in the potential of Bitcoin (BTC) and other currencies to provide a return on investment for shareholders. The company is now set up to receive financing in cryptocurrencies as well as executing other types of transactions in cryptocurrencies. The company is holding all its cryptocurrency with a fully compliant custodian. The company emphasizes that all transactions are and will be fully compliant with all relevant financial and audit regulations, ensuring a secure and legal process. The Company will continue to monitor market conditions and may increase or decrease its holdings of Bitcoi Show less Read more
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