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We Ran A Stock Scan For Earnings Growth And Pyxis Tankers (NASDAQ:PXS) Passed With Ease [Yahoo! Finance]

Pyxis Tankers Inc. (PXS) 
Last pyxis tankers inc. earnings: 3/20 07:00 am Check Earnings Report
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
profit, and a record of falling short, can manage to find investors. Unfortunately, these high risk investments often have little probability of ever paying off, and many investors pay a price to learn their lesson. While a well funded company may sustain losses for years, it will need to generate a profit eventually, or else investors will move on and the company will wither away. In contrast to all that, many investors prefer to focus on companies like Pyxis Tankers NASDAQ:PXS ), which has not only revenues, but also profits. Now this is not to say that the company presents the best investment opportunity around, but profitability is a key component to success in business. Check out our latest analysis for Pyxis Tankers Pyxis Tankers has undergone a massive growth in earnings per share over the last three years. So much so that this three year growth rate wouldn't be a fair assessment of the company's future. As a result, we'll zoom in on growth over the last year, instead. To Show less Read more
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