Pactiv Evergreen (NASDAQ:PTVE) Has Announced A Dividend Of $0.10 [Yahoo! Finance]
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Pactiv Evergreen Inc. - Common stock (PTVE)
Company Research
Source: Yahoo! Finance
Check out our latest analysis for Pactiv Evergreen If the payments aren't sustainable, a high yield for a few years won't matter that much. Even though Pactiv Evergreen isn't generating a profit, it is generating healthy free cash flows that easily cover the dividend. We generally think that cash flow is more important than accounting measures of profit, so we are fairly comfortable with the dividend at this level. Looking forward, earnings per share is forecast to rise exponentially over the next year. If the dividend continues along recent trends, we estimate the payout ratio will be 11%, so there isn't too much pressure on the dividend. The company has maintained a consistent dividend for a few years now, but we would like to see a longer track record before relying on it. There hasn't been much of a change in the dividend over the last 4 years. Pactiv Evergreen hasn't been paying a dividend for very long, so we wouldn't get to excited about its record of growth just yet.
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