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Stock impact report

Jim Cramer on Powell Industries, Inc. (POWL): ‘Up Almost 259% For The Year' [Yahoo! Finance]

Powell Industries, Inc. (POWL) 
US:NASDAQ Investor Relations:
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
Industries, Inc. (NASDAQ:POWL) stands against the other stocks on Jim Cramer's list of best performers list. On Wednesday's Mad Money episode, Jim Cramer took a deep dive into ten stocks, each worth over $1 billion, that have seen significant growth this year. While acknowledging that many of these stocks are speculative, he emphasized that they still hold potential as smart investments. Cramer suggested that when looking back on this year, two trends will stand out: a steady rise in the S&P 500, and a series of moves that initially seemed almost magical, but were grounded in reality. Cramer also reflected on the common investment approach of sticking with index funds, noting that it is a popular strategy because it requires minimal effort. But, according to him, simply parking your money in an index fund might not be the best way to maximize returns. Instead, he argued that investors should consider individual stocks with unique characteristics, many of which are speculative si Show less Read more
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