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Why Insulet (PODD) is a Top Growth Stock for the Long-Term [Yahoo! Finance]

Insulet Corporation (PODD) 
Last insulet corporation earnings: 2/25 04:01 pm Check Earnings Report
US:NASDAQ Investor Relations:
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
While you may have an investing style you rely on, finding great stocks is made easier with the Zacks Style Scores. These are complementary indicators that rate stocks based on value, growth, and/or momentum characteristics. Growth investors build their portfolios around companies that are financially strong and have a bright future, and the Growth Style Score helps take projected and historical earnings, sales, and cash flow into account to uncover stocks that will see long-term, sustainable growth. Insulet Corporation is a leading developer, manufacturer and marketer of the Omnipod Insulin Management System. The system is equipped with a self-adhesive, small and lightweight disposable tubeless Omnipod device along with the wireless and handheld Personal Diabetes Manager (PDM). It is worn on the body for approximately three days at a time and allows virtually pain-free automated cannula insertion and blood glucose meter integration. PODD sits at a Zacks Rank #3 (Hold), holds a Show less Read more
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