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Public companies own 26% of Platinum Group Metals Ltd. (TSE:PTM) shares but individual investors control 51% of the company [Yahoo! Finance]

Platinum Group Metals Ltd. Ordinary Shares (Canada) (PLG) 
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
Significant control over Platinum Group Metals by individual investors implies that the general public has more power to influence management and governance-related decisions The top 25 shareholders own 48% of the company Every investor in Platinum Group Metals Ltd. ( TSE:PTM ) should be aware of the most powerful shareholder groups. With 51% stake, individual investors possess the maximum shares in the company. Put another way, the group faces the maximum upside potential (or downside risk). Public companies, on the other hand, account for 26% of the company's stockholders. Let's delve deeper into each type of owner of Platinum Group Metals, beginning with the chart below. What Does The Institutional Ownership Tell Us About Platinum Group Metals? Institutional investors commonly compare their own returns to the returns of a commonly followed index. So they generally do consider buying larger companies that are included in the relevant benchmark index. We can see that P Show less Read more
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