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Stock impact report

Precigen (NASDAQ:PGEN shareholders incur further losses as stock declines 13% this week, taking five-year losses to 86% [Yahoo! Finance]

Precigen, Inc. (PGEN) 
Last precigen, inc. earnings: 3/2 04:05 pm Check Earnings Report
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
For example, we sympathize with anyone who was caught holding Precigen, Inc. NASDAQ:PGEN ) during the five years that saw its share price drop a whopping 86%. We also note that the stock has performed poorly over the last year, with the share price down 30%. Shareholders have had an even rougher run lately, with the share price down 29% in the last 90 days. We note that the company has reported results fairly recently; and the market is hardly delighted. You can check out the latest numbers in our company report . We really hope anyone holding through that price crash has a diversified portfolio. Even when you lose money, you don't have to lose the lesson. With the stock having lost 13% in the past week, it's worth taking a look at business performance and seeing if there's any red flags. Check out our latest analysis for Precigen Because Precigen made a loss in the last twelve months, we think the market is probably more focussed on revenue and revenue growth, at least for now. Show less Read more
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