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Is CPHYX a Strong Bond Fund Right Now? [Yahoo! Finance]

Principal Financial Group Inc (PFG) 
Last principal financial group inc earnings: 4/27 04:15 pm Check Earnings Report
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
Well, one fund that might be worth investigating is Principal High Yield A (CPHYX). CPHYX holds a Zacks Mutual Fund Rank of 2 (Buy), which is based on various forecasting factors like size, cost, and past performance. Objective We note that CPHYX is a High Yield - Bonds option, which is an area loaded with different investment choices. High Yield - Bonds funds are often known as " junk " bonds since they are below investment grade. This means they are at an elevated risk of default, at least when compared to their investment grade peers. On the plus side, junk bonds generally pay out higher yields, all while posing similar interest rate risks as we see with their investment grade counterparts. History of Fund/Manager CPHYX finds itself in the Principal Financial Group family, based out of Des Moines, IA. Principal High Yield A debuted in April of 1998. Since then, CPHYX has accumulated assets of about $419.77 million, according to the most recently available information. The f Show less Read more
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