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Principal Financial Group's (NASDAQ:PFG) Upcoming Dividend Will Be Larger Than Last Year's [Yahoo! Finance]

Principal Financial Group Inc (PFG) 
Last principal financial group inc earnings: 4/27 04:15 pm Check Earnings Report
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
Estimates indicate that Principal Financial Group's dividend payments may be unsustainable in the future, with the payout ratio potentially reaching 225% if the dividend continues along recent trends, which is unsustainable. Principal Financial Group has a solid track record of paying dividends with very little fluctuation, with the company growing its distributions at a yearly rate of about 10% over the last 10 years. No, we don't think Principal Financial Group is a great stock to add to your portfolio if income is your focus, despite its solid dividend track record and recent growth, due to concerns about the sustainability of its dividend payments. Earnings per share is forecast to rise exponentially over the next year, and as long as the company becomes profitable soon, it is on a trajectory that could see it being a solid dividend payer, but the current lack of profitability is a concern. Principal Financial Group, Inc. NASDAQ:PFG ) will increase its dividend from last Show less Read more
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