Insider Buying: The Pembina Pipeline Corporation (TSE:PPL) President Just Bought CA$791k Worth Of Shares [Yahoo! Finance News]

Pembina Pipeline Corp. Ordinary Shares (Canada) (PBA)
Last pembina pipeline corp. ordinary shares (canada) earnings: 2/27 05:44 pm
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Source: Yahoo! Finance News
Pembina Pipeline Corporation TSE:PPL See our latest analysis for Pembina Pipeline Pembina Pipeline Insider Transactions Over The Last Year Notably, that recent purchase by President Michael Dilger was not the only time they bought Pembina Pipeline shares this year. They previously made an even bigger purchase of CA$2.5m worth of shares at a price of CA$49.22 per share. So it's clear an insider wanted to buy, even at a higher price than the current share price being CA$32.56). While their view may have changed since the purchase was made, this does at least suggest they have had confidence in the company's future. In our view, the price an insider pays for shares is very important. It is generally more encouraging if they paid above t
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Sec Filings
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- PBA's page on the SEC website