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Are You a Value Investor? This 1 Stock Could Be the Perfect Pick [Yahoo! Finance]

Prosperity Bancshares, Inc. (PB) 
Last prosperity bancshares, inc. earnings: 4/29 06:30 am Check Earnings Report
US:NYSE Investor Relations:
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
While you may have an investing style you rely on, finding great stocks is made easier with the Zacks Style Scores. These are complementary indicators that rate stocks based on value, growth, and/or momentum characteristics. Why Investors Should Pay Attention to This Value Stock Different than growth or momentum investors, value-focused investors are all about finding good stocks at good prices, and discovering which companies are trading under what their true value is before the broader market catches on. The Value Style Score utilizes ratios like P/E, PEG, Price/Sales, and Price/Cash Flow to help pick out the most attractive and discounted stocks. Prosperity Bancshares (PB) Houston, TX-based Prosperity Bancshares, Inc. was formed in 1983 as a vehicle to acquire the former Allied Bank in Edna, TX, which was chartered in 1949 as The First National Bank of Edna and is presently known as Prosperity Bank. The financial holding company, pursuant to the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, der Show less Read more
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