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Stock impact report

Institutional investors in ONEOK, Inc. (NYSE:OKE) lost 6.4% last week but have reaped the benefits of longer-term growth [Yahoo! Finance]

ONEOK, Inc. (OKE) 
Last oneok, inc. earnings: 4/28 04:15 pm Check Earnings Report
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
49% of the business is held by the top 25 shareholders Using data from analyst forecasts alongside ownership research, one can better assess the future performance of a company Every investor in ONEOK, Inc. ( NYSE:OKE ) should be aware of the most powerful shareholder groups. We can see that institutions own the lion's share in the company with 72% ownership. Put another way, the group faces the maximum upside potential (or downside risk). No shareholder likes losing money on their investments, especially institutional investors who saw their holdings drop 6.4% in value last week. Still, the 50% one-year gains may have helped mitigate their overall losses. They should, however, be mindful of further losses in the future. In the chart be Read more
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