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Owens Corning Named to Wall Street Journal's List of Best-Managed Companies of 2024 [Yahoo! Finance]

Owens Corning Inc New (OC) 
Last owens corning inc new earnings: 4/29 06:00 am Check Earnings Report
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
best-managed companies in the United States by the Wall Street Journal. Earning a spot on the list each year since its first publishing in 2017, Owens Corning ranked 41 st overall and second in the real estate and construction category this year. The best-managed companies list ranks America's largest publicly traded companies based on principles of corporate effectiveness, which include customer satisfaction, employee engagement and development, innovation, social responsibility, and financial strength. Owens Corning was listed fourth overall in customer satisfaction, and ranked 10 th in social responsibility. "We are honored to once again be recognized by the Wall Street Journal for the efforts of our high-performing team," said Chair and Chief Executive Officer Brian Chambers. "Owens Corning has consistently delivered strong results, demonstrating our best-in-class commercial and operational performance. This recognition highlights our unparalleled customer connection and con Show less Read more
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