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Stock impact report

Three Reasons We Love Nextracker [Yahoo! Finance]

Nextracker Inc. (NXT) 
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
because the S&P 500 has climbed 11.5%. This may have investors wondering how to approach the situation. Given the weaker price action, is now a good time to buy NXT? Find out in our full research report, it's free With its technology playing a key role in the Noor Abu Dabhi project, one of the largest solar farms in the world, Nextracker (NASDAQ:NXT) provides solar tracker systems that help solar panels follow the sun. We can better understand electrical equipment companies by analyzing their backlog, or the value of outstanding orders that have not yet been executed or delivered. Nextracker's backlog reached $4.5 billion in the latest quarter and averaged 59.6% year-on-year growth over the last two years. This shows the company has a robust sales pipeline and suggests that customers are committing to Nextracker for the long term, enhancing the business's predictability. Free cash flow isn't a prominently featured metric in company financials and earnings releases, but we th Show less Read more
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