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NexPoint Comments on Proposed Acquisition of UDF IV by Ready Capital

NexPoint Diversified Real Estate Trust (NXDT) 
Company Research Source: PR Newswire
Proposed Transaction Demonstrates NexPoint's Ongoing Impact at UDF IVIf Elected, NexPoint Nominees Would Review and Pursue Transaction to Maximize Shareholder ValueDALLAS, Dec. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- NexPoint Real Estate Opportunities, LLC (together with its affiliates "NexPoint") today commented on the proposed transaction between United Development Funding IV ("UDF IV" or the "Company"), a real estate investment trust, and Ready Capital Corporation ("Ready Capital"), a multi-strategy real estate finance company:"NexPoint is pleased that our multi-year advocacy and litigation continues to benefit UDF IV shareholders by bringing forward a potential transaction that could deliver much-needed liquidity. While we evaluate this proposal further, shareholders should note upfront that the potential $5.89 per share capped value offered under the acquisition is significantly below the $9.47 per share book value that UDF IV provided in its latest financials. Over 40% of that potential value i Show less Read more
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