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Are You a Growth Investor? This 1 Stock Could Be the Perfect Pick [Yahoo! Finance]

Meta Platforms, Inc. - Class A (META) 
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
While you may have an investing style you rely on, finding great stocks is made easier with the Zacks Style Scores. These are complementary indicators that rate stocks based on value, growth, and/or momentum characteristics. Different than value or momentum investors, growth-oriented investors are concerned with a stock's future prospects, and the overall financial health and strength of a company. Thus, they'll want to focus on the Growth Style Score, which analyzes characteristics like projected and historical earnings, sales, and cash flow to find stocks that will see sustainable growth over time. Meta Platforms is the world's largest social media platform. The company's portfolio offering evolved from a single Facebook app to multiple apps like photo and video sharing app Instagram, and WhatsApp messaging app owing to acquisitions. Along with in-house developed Messenger, these apps now form Meta's family of products used by almost 3.35 billion people on a daily basis as of D Show less Read more
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