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Stock impact report

Madison Covered Call and Equity Strategy Fund (MCN) Declares Quarterly Dividend

Madison Covered Call & Equity Strategy Fund (MCN) 
Company Research Source: GlobeNewswire
MADISON, Wis., Sept. 03, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Madison Covered Call and Equity Strategy Fund (NYSE:MCN) (the “Fund”) declares its quarterly dividend of $0.18/share. The dividends will be payable September 30, 2019 to shareholders of record on September 18, 2019. The ex-dividend date will be September 17, 2019. If it is determined that a notification is required pursuant to Section 19(a) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, such notice will be posted to the Fund’s website after the close of business three business days before the payable date. If a distribution rate is largely comprised of sources other than income, it may not reflect Fund performance. The Fund’s objective is to achieve a high level of current income and current capital gains, with long-term capital appreciation as a secondary objective. The Fund intends to pursue its objective by investing in a portfolio of common stocks and utilizing an option strategy, primarily by writing (selling) covered Show less Read more
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