Solid Earnings Reflect MediaAlpha's (NYSE:MAX) Strength As A Business [Yahoo! Finance]

MediaAlpha, Inc. Class A (MAX)
Company Research
Source: Yahoo! Finance
Check out our latest analysis for MediaAlpha NYSE:MAX Earnings and Revenue History March 3rd 2025 A Closer Look At MediaAlpha's Earnings Many investors haven't heard of the accrual ratio from cashflow , but it is actually a useful measure of how well a company's profit is backed up by free cash flow (FCF) during a given period. To get the accrual ratio we first subtract FCF from profit for a period, and then divide that number by the average operating assets for the period. This ratio tells us how much of a company's profit is not backed by free cashflow. That means a negative accrual ratio is a good thing, because it shows that the company is bringing in more free cash flow than its profit would suggest. While having an accrual ratio above zero is of litt
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- Wolf Haldenstein Adler Freeman & Herz LLP announces that it is investigating MediaAlpha Inc. for potential violations of securities lawsGlobeNewswire
- MAX Investors Have the Opportunity to Join Investigation of MediaAlpha, Inc. with the Schall Law FirmPR Newswire
- Securities Fraud Investigation Into MediaAlpha, Inc. (MAX) Announced - Investors Who Lost Money Urged To Contact Glancy Prongay & Murray LLP, a Leading Securities Fraud Law FirmPR Newswire
- Securities Fraud Investigation Into MediaAlpha, Inc. (MAX) Announced - Investors Who Lost Money Urged To Contact The Law Offices of Frank R. CruzPR Newswire
- MediaAlpha, Inc. (MAX) Investors Who Lost Money - Contact Law Offices of Howard G. Smith About Securities Fraud InvestigationPR Newswire
- 2/24/25 - Miss
Sec Filings
- 3/18/25 - Form 4
- 3/18/25 - Form 4
- 3/18/25 - Form 4
- MAX's page on the SEC website